Reclaim your body wisdom and awaken the wise woman within through the art of ritual, folklore, plant medicine, and modern science. 


An online program presented by The Center for Sacred Arts.










Reclaim your body wisdom and awaken the wise woman within through the art of ritual, folklore, plant medicine, and modern science.

An online course presented by The Center for Sacred Arts.
don’t miss out.



Body Wisdom

Plant Medicine

Medicine Making



Are you... 


Navigating cycles of chronic stress and dis-ease while feeling disconnected from yourself, a sense of support, and your life’s purpose?

Longing to address more than just the symptoms of your physical and emotional pain, and uncover the root cause?

Ready to awaken your own innate wisdom and the midwife, healer, herbalist, and wise woman that lives within?

Do you...


Feel isolated and alone in a society that thrives on keeping you from accessing your own inherent power?

Wish to rebel against the hustle and grind of modern-day life by embracing slow and intentional living as a revolutionary act?

Have a soul craving to connect with the cycles of your own body and the power of herbal medicine?


Perhaps you've been...

On the precipice of extraordinary change.

Curious about the wisdom encoded in your own body and the timeless wisdom of plant medicine, myth, ritual, and old-world herbal medicines.

Feeling a soul calling to make sense of your own life’s patterns, and guide others as a sacred leader rooted in wise woman wisdom.


You belong here.


Join our collective of wise women dedicated to individual and collective healing rooted in the wisdom of myth, ritual, herbal and modern medicine.


Liza Keogh, Artist

“From the Wild Edge is a course unlike any other in which I have participated. The breadth and depth of the layered, integrated content - from myths featuring female figures, to deep journeys through our body systems, to herbal recipes to make in our own kitchens - will nourish all aspects of my life.”

 Erinanne Harper, 


“The Wild Edge course was comprehensive, accessible, beautifully packaged, and delivered with expertise. Dr.Karley and Seraphina both have a wealth of knowledge to share and did so with love and grace. I loved how the teachings include the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. My health will be better over my whole lifetime."

Within each human being is an intuitive way of knowing.

Many modern women suffer the consequence of not being raised with the intergenerational wisdom that can nurture a deep relationship with one’s own intuition. 

Our intuition is an inner guidance system that helps us to navigate the challenges of life, illness, and the complex initiations life presents to us. It also helps us make important decisions about our health, our spiritual evolution, and our relationships. 

The construct of the modern world has taught women to shut down and ignore their intuition from an early age, leading to crisis and even depression. So many of us have learned to ignore what was instinctual. 

It is time to reclaim our inner knowing and awaken the wise woman within. 
The modern wise woman doesn’t separate the sacred from the science. She weaves them together for optimal healing.

Awaken the wise woman within you and reclaim traditions of herbalism, ritual, magic, and draw upon the benefits of modern science in 'From The Wild Edge'.

We invite you to follow this wise woman's path to becoming a sacred knowledge keeper.

We believe you've arrived here for a reason.

Perhaps you:

  • Are in the midst of a significant life transition and seeking divine affirmation and clear direction of the path forward.
  • Have an inner child who is enchanted by stories, myths, and folklore.
  • Want to integrate plant medicine into your daily life with ease.
  • Seek to nourish your nervous system, release stuck trauma from your body, and regain energy to thrive in your life.

By combining ancient wisdom & modern science, you will learn how to:

  • Understand your body's many rhythms and cycles to improve your sleep, hormones, and mood.

  • Decode the gut-brain connection and its influence on both mental health and intuition.

  • Craft your own simple, potent, and beautiful herbal remedies.

  • Connect with your life force on a cellular level and tend to your endocrine system to heal from the inside out.

  • Explore archetypes in myth and folktales and how to use them in a soul map.

  • Better understand the issues in your tissues and how to get the most out of your medical care.

  • Learn how to create your own rituals and rites of passage ceremonies.

  • Braid these teachings into your own offerings or community spaces.


‘From The Wild Edge’ is the equivalent of having a Naturopathic Doctor, Homeopath, Herbalist & wise women to travel with you everywhere you go!


Each Module Includes:

  • Guided visualizations: experience body-based learning to help you explore your feminine blueprint.
  • An essential body wisdom component: tap into intuitive & physiological knowledge that every wise woman deserves to know about her own body.
  • Directed practices of the sacred arts: participate in guided rituals to enhance your learning, deepen your understanding, and facilitate your healing.
  •  Exclusive recorded rituals: view bespoke rituals that connect and reinforce the concepts covered in each module.
  • Herbal medicine teachings: dive into the world of herbal medicine with comprehensive learning on individual botanics.
  • Medicine-making video tutorials: learn how to create high-quality herbal remedies through simple and intuitive video tutorials.
  • Printable PDFs: receive beautifully designed, printable PDFs intended to bring clarity and integrate your learnings.
  • Detailed herbal monographs for weekly plants: access assemblages of academic information for plant allies, including botanical names, mechanisms of action, efficacy, preparation, and historical applications.

From The Wild Edge offers a comprehensive and immersive learning experience to help you unlock the worlds of herbal medicine, ancestral wisdom, the sacred arts, and holistic healing.


What Awaits You.

  • Twice weekly live (and recorded), 60 minute sessions on Tuesdays @ 11:00 AM PST and Thursdays @ 2:00 PM PST.
  • Real-time mentorship and guidance from a Physician, Naturopathic Doctor, Herbalist, Ritualist, and Homeopath.
  • An honorary acknowledgment of course completion.
  • Exclusive access to the Inner Circle of The Center of Sacred Arts for tenured wise women.
  • Continued engagement throughout the year and ongoing support via nourishing seasonal fireside chats, gatherings, and virtual circles.
  • All of the course materials, tutorials, and resources for LIFE!

Seize this opportunity to join a community of wise women and soul sisters who are passionate about cultivating a web of shared wisdom and making meaningful connections along the feminine path to healing. 

Module 1 - Remembering

“She decided to see how her life would change if she dropped the assumption she needed fixing.” - Amy Rubin Flett

First, we awaken. With the myth of Persephone as our guide, we open our eyes to remember that we come into the world whole. We learn about the innate seasons and rhythms encoded in our DNA, inherited from our mothers, and we learn to make herbal medicine to nourish these cycles and design rituals to honor our inner seasons. 

This module is a remedy for
The spell of forgetting – forgetting that we are born whole, worthy of love and belonging, and that we stand on the shoulders of wise women across both space and time.

Module 2 - Cast Out to Sea


With Cassandra The Prophetess as our mythic guide, this module maps out the common phenomenon of how in a woman's early life, she turns to the masculine pattern of striving towards perfection and living from the left brain. This betrayal of her inner rhythm is a setup for anxiety, depression, and the crisis between fear and intuition. We examine the phenomenon of medical gaslighting of women's symptoms, make nourishing herbal formulas for the heart to unwind the knot of anxiety, and cultivate an antidote for fear. 

 This module is a remedy for:

Overwhelm, burnout, weariness, perfectionism, and shame.

Module 3 - The Quest

With Artemis The Huntress as our guide, we look at how we can spend our early years trying to soothe an inner dissatisfaction and satisfy the yearning to heal by outsourcing power to fad diets, trends, or gurus promising perfection. In this module, we build a deep relationship with our inner sight and learn about the importance of our adrenals and thyroid. We reclaim those lost, abandoned parts of self that we outsourced to others, and embark on the beautiful work of strengthening our relationship with our deep self.

This module is a remedy for:

Self-doubt, codependency, and the dis-ease of looking elsewhere.

Module 4 - Intuition

You are on top of the world, but you don't recognize yourself. Change is afoot. You have entered the Dark Wood. 

With Vasalisa & Baba Yaga as our guides, we sharpen our intuitive skills to empower ourselves with The Wise Woman way of deep listening and continue to peel away that which no longer serves our whole being. We dig into the digestive system, and the gut-brain connection, fine-tune our ritual skills and strengthen our trust in our own inner compass.

This module is a remedy for:

Lack of connection, self-discipline, and trust. Use this lesson to build resilience and enhance intuition.

Module 5 - Death

When the universe conspires to support us, we can become sick, relationships come to an end, or we may even experience a breakdown that has catapulted us in an unexpected direction. With Selkie Woman as our guide, we learn that in order to listen to our soul’s true purpose, we must relinquish the attachment to the identity we had built over decades. We will explore the manifestations of anxiety, depression as responses to self-betrayal and the language of our nervous system. We learn the importance of nutrients and turn to the wisdom of ancestral magic to help us in times of crisis and transition.

This module is a remedy for:

Self-betrayal. Use this lesson to make radical changes, overcome adversity, and transform breakdowns into breakthroughs.


Module 6 - The Return

With Wolf Woman as our guide, we learn nothing is wasted, and what dies becomes fertile soil to nurture future growth. We turn to the menopausal years and examine what happens to the aging woman's body and the knowledge that resides in her very bones. We make herbal medicine that strengthens the matrix of our tissues and keeps our minds clear. We celebrate choosing to live life from our essence, from here forward, seeing the world through wizened eyes.

This module is a remedy for:

Feeling lost and untethered. Use this lesson to navigate life transitions with clarity.



Module 7 - Emergence

We walk the spiral of life and find ourselves returning to our innate power. We recognize that we are made of the same elements as the entire cosmos, and that we are powered by the same forces as volcanos and supernovae. The myth of Psyche and Eros supports us in our integration and emergence. The way of the wise guides us towards trusting our body, including pain signals, as we look at inflammation and reading the signs of the body. We turn to herbs to feed our well of wisdom, to soothe, and/or to increase available energy.

This module is a remedy for:

Soothing a weary soul. Use this lesson to regain energy and vitality, return home to yourself, and build confidence.



Module 8 - In Service

We close the program by celebrating the return home to self. The goddess Brigid teaches us how to be rooted to our well of wisdom.  We have learned the gifts bestowed by our plants allies and know how to integrate them. We discover that simple rituals can be life-changing. This is the new normal. You are radiant in your wholeness. You have the tools, and the community support, to maintain this radiance. Your basket is full of new, life-affirming resources, and you have the energy to serve your community. You embody the love and the grace of the wise woman.

This module is for:

Thriving, building community, celebrating, magic, and belonging.


Falani Thomas-Clifford

Organic farmer in Similkameen Valley, B.C.

“With Seraphina's wise, gentle, and generous guidance, my practice as a farmer has expanded, and I magically feel I have "come home" to myself. I've developed an everlasting connection, understanding, and appreciation for my body, and for my ancestry.”

Mylene Brunet

Fernie, B.C.

“I studied with Karley and it was divine. I learnt a lot about my ability to trust my body and myself through the experience. Karley always made me feel safe and welcome to share and receive. Thank you Karley!”

Become a Sacred Leader in Your Community.

When the wise woman within awakens, she can heal the world.

When you invest in this program, you're not only igniting healing for yourself–you're opening new doors to serve humanity.

After completing the program, you will be able to:

  • Lead impactful women's circles or start your own.
  • Offer personalized guidance on the feminine path.
  • Make and sell safe and effective herbal remedies.
  • Lead meaningful rituals and ceremonies for your community.
  • Host holistic healing workshops and classes.
  • Enhance your existing practice as a health practitioner.
  • Increase your skills as a community herbalist.
  •  Be seen as a wise woman committed to creating healing opportunities for all.

+ Free Bonuses

  • Women's Circle Blueprint - Start your own women’s circle with our complete step-by-step guide.

  • Herbal Medicine Basics Ebook - Learn practical safety, dosing, and preparation.

  • Body Wisdom Handouts - Get guidance on "what to ask your doctor," easy tips to implement, and a summary of the body systems taught.

  • A Curated Music Playlist on Spotify - Shift your state weekly with auditory support for your transformation.

  • Recommended Resources - Explore a vetted list of books, audiobooks, and podcasts to broaden your horizons.

  • Recipe Cards for Medicine Making - Start your collection of old-world recipes for seasonal use.

  • Printable Labels for Herbal Medicines - Save time and label your remedies and herbs with our beautiful printable herbal labels.



What other students are saying...


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Meet Your Guides


Karley and Seraphina saw each other as opposites. Seraphina has a deep attunement to nature, moving through the world trusting unseen forces in a feminine way. Karley possesses strong masculine power that could conquer and move mountains when harnessed.

They came together, initially seeking each other's medicine, and then collaborated to evoke the powers of fire and create something greater. Their combined experience of over 30 years, working with thousands of women as doctors, herbalists, teachers, and priestesses, and being mentored by world-renowned luminaries, led to the birth of "From The Wild Edge: A Feminine Path Home."

Seraphina Capranos

Herbalist. Ritualist. Homeopath

After suffering from a health crisis at the age of 16, Seraphina was cast into the depths of spiritual and shamanic initiations throughout most of her life—becoming an initiated priestess in the Reclaiming Tradition and spending 10 years as a Toltec apprentice. But despite the decades of learning ancestral healing and ceremonial magic, it was the thousands of women she sat with as both students and patients that were her greatest teachers.

Listening to their stories of loneliness, spiritual crisis, divorce, infertility, anxiety, burnout and people-pleasing, she began to recognize the pattern and natural arc of the soul’s evolution. Identifying where women were in their healing journey, she developed a skill for guiding their soul through these transitions with the help of the unseen world, to heal, then anchor and re-connect to their inner compass, and bloom.

Dr Karley Denoon ND

Physician. Naturopathic Doctor

Growing up with the grit and drive to always achieve more, Karley was drawn to the path of a successful physician. It was through a very busy practice, sitting with hundreds of women day in, day out, hearing their pain and observing how it manifested in their physical bodies—that she saw that people with the same diagnosis, prognosis, and sometimes even treatments, could have completely different outcomes.

Seeking to understand the complex picture of medicine, Karley looked beyond the pills she could prescribe. As she began interconnecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of healing, she observed how the patients who were deeply connected to the natural world and to community had a resilience in them that strengthened their vitality.  Karley embodies the power of body wisdom, resiliency and deep connection to the natural world. These qualities make her an inspiring leader and teacher. 


Danielle Emery

Sparwood, B.C.

“ Dr. Karley Denoon's approach to sharing Wise Woman Wisdom was so authentic and relatable. I left each session feeling more empowered, connected to my body. The experience is transformative, and you'll walk away with not just knowledge but a sense of empowerment and sisterhood that lingers long after the circle ends."

Karen Clark

Author The Path of She

“Seraphina is a rare jewel. With power and presence she guides women to find their way home to their own soul's wisdom. Seraphina has worked with thousands of students and clients from all over the world. And as she has done thousands of times before, she will hold your soul and your journey as precious, sacred, and she will meet and guide you from exactly where you are now. ”

Jill Cohen

San Francisco, CA

“Seraphina is incredibly knowledgeable, generous, and patient as a teacher and mentor. She is a truly gifted storyteller. I learned so much by being introduced to herbs one at a time, tasting them, making medicine with them, using them as food and growing them. I feel as if I have just scratched the surface of what is possible and I now have the framework I need to apply to any herb I wish to work with.”



Join the Self-Study

Online Program

Available anytime!


$349 USD

(Two payments of $175.00)

Get instant access to more than 60 hours of rich content today!  Once per year, we offer LIVE group sessions for direct mentorship. But you don't have to wait a whole year to access course materials. All self-study participants will be given the opportunity to upgrade at a discount to join once the LIVE sessions begin spring of 2025. 

Not included in this self-study option: Live sessions, Herbal Medicine E-Book, Q&A sessions, Women's Circle Blueprint, Fireside Chats and virtual circles.

  • Learn how to manage pain & release fear.
  • Improve your sleep, hormones and mood.
  • Nourish and understand your adrenals & thyroid.
  • Navigate menopause with ease and radiance. 
  • Make effective, potent herbal medicine for yourself and your community.
  • Learn how to create your own rituals & rites of passage ceremonies.
  • Take these teachings into your own profession.

Live Cohort Offered Once Per Year 


Program begins spring 2025

$3000 $1495 USD

(Or 3 Monthly Payments of $499)

Includes 16 Live Sessions, Community Forum, Bonuses and access to your Teachers! Join the self-study now, and upgrade (optional) spring 2025! 

  • Learn how to manage pain & release fear.
  • Improve your sleep, hormones and mood.
  • Nourish and understand your adrenals & thyroid.
  • Navigate menopause with ease and radiance. 
  • Make effective, potent herbal medicine for yourself and your community .
  • Learn how to create your own rituals & rites of passage ceremonies.
  • Become a community Leader.
  • Take these teachings into your own profession.
  • Includes all the bonuses of the Womans Circle Blue Print, The full Herbal Basics E book written by clinicians, Music, Resource lists, Herbal Labels, and printable formula cards... and SO MUCH MORE! 



For your 100% peace of mind.

If something has drawn you here but you're hesitating, consider this as an invitation to join us risk-free. If, after the first week's module, you feel it's not the right fit for you, we'll refund all your money without any questions.


What other students are saying...

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Your Wise Woman led You Here. It’s Time to let Her Rise.

Join this trailblazing program today! 











We offer our gratitude and love to the exquisite artist Tijana with whom we have licensed permission to use her art to adorn our program. Please be sure to check out her page! 
Our unique offer is a blend of Wisdom and Experience.
What we bring to you is more than a product – it's the culmination of countless hours, over 20 years of combined post-secondary education, professional careers in our respective fields and a journey marked by mentorship, conferences, retreats, and hands-on patient care. We've distilled this wealth of experience and knowledge, merging the feminine tradition and the medical arts and sciences into a clear and comprehensive package.
 It's important to note that we're not selling you access to a tradition, but rather our distinctive interpretation and embodiment of the "Wise Woman Tradition." We invite you to walk this unique path with us, as we share the insights, distilled wisdom, and diverse experiences that have sculpted our perspectives. This is more than just a program; it's real proof of what we know and understand, and we're sharing it with all our heart and dedication.

Your Wise Woman led You Here. It’s Time to let Her Rise.




Our unique offer is a blend of Wisdom and Experience
What we bring to you is more than a product – it's the culmination of countless hours, over 20 years of combined post-secondary education, professional careers in our respective fields and a journey marked by mentorship, conferences, retreats, and hands-on patient care. We've distilled this wealth of experience and knowledge, merging the feminine tradition and the medical arts and sciences into a clear and comprehensive package.
 It's important to note that we're not selling you access to a tradition, but rather our distinctive interpretation and embodiment of the "Wise Woman Tradition." We invite you to walk this unique path with us, as we share the insights, distilled wisdom, and diverse experiences that have sculpted our perspectives. This is more than just a program; it's real proof of what we know and understand, and we're sharing it with all our heart and dedication.

© 2023 The Center for Sacred Arts